The Flashman Collection

coming soon

Bridging the gap between traditional art and the digital age.


About Soupcans Lab

Inspired by Andy Warhol’s Soup Can series that radically challenged the tradition of painting, Soupcans Labs bridges art history and technology, past and present, while generating new experiential opportunities for today’s digital age.

By collaborating with artists that have a background in both the modern and historical arts, Soupcans Labs plans to reimagine historical masterpieces with the notion of artistic inspiration as its basis—examining reverence with a tongue-in-cheek flavor. Each collection at Soupcans Labs will be headlined by a carefully selected artist that not only follows our vision but understands the pieces we are working with. This ensures that our drops carry an authenticity and uniqueness unavailable anywhere else.

By collecting the various pieces, collectors will secure themselves a spot in our upcoming airdrop system. This will grant holders special access to a never before seen approach to digital art collection, as well as serve as an entry into an evolving members club where new benefits will continue to unfold.

About Octane

Octane’s first project with us was the Web Moments collection. Each piece he created was the result of no less than 50 separate layers of digital editing. At once literal and metaphorical, this act of layering engenders the question of the myriad references drawn from the source work to inspire new imagery throughout the course of visual culture—from the Renaissance to the crypto sphere.


By plunging “high” art into the digital realm, Soupcans Labs’ debut collection brought the canvas from the wall to the blockchain, opening the door to a whole new world for both art collectors and NFT enthusiasts to explore. This initial approach is one we hope to replicate with every collection we release. Though the artists may vary, we hope to never bore you, always excite you, and never disappoint you.

Flashman Collection

The Flashman Collection is the 2nd drop to come to Soupcans Labs. Like every drop we strive to combine our passion for art and the digital world to create a truly unique experience for our consumers. After his amazing work during our first drop, we decided to bring Octane back to help us shape our second using inspiration from the likes of Andy Warhol. By investing into the Flashman collection, holders are granted special access to a new and unique airdrop feature that will change the way people interact and collect in the NFT space.

The Web Moments Collection

Our first collection at the Phillips auction house featured nine 1 of 1 NFTs and consisted of derivative art pieces from influential artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Vincent Van Gogh.

With careful analysis of the style and technique of each original piece, our very own artist, Octane, was able to mold the Web Moments collection into something truly spectacular.

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